To vote in person, you are need to bring a valid photo identification (photo ID) that has your signature on it. Additionally, you can bring a sample ballot that you have filled out in advance or a piece of paper that includes the details of your preferred candidates and your choices regarding amendments and other ballot questions. This will help you remember your choices and make the voting process smoother.

The following photo ID options are accepted:

  • Florida driver’s license
  • Florida identification card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
  • United States passport
  • Debit or credit card
  • Military identification
  • Student identification
  • Retirement center identification
  • Neighborhood association identification
  • Public assistance identification
  • Veteran Health Identification card issued by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Concealed weapon permit issued in Florida
  • Employee identification card issued by any branch, department, agency or entity of the Federal Government, the state, a county, or a municipality.

If your photo identification does not show your signature, you will be asked to provide an additional identification that includes a signature.

If you do not have proper identification, your vote will be registered at the polls as “provisional” and will only be counted if the signature on the provisional ballot envelope is found to match the signature on your voter registration application. 


If you need assistance to obtain an ID or have questions about Voter ID, contact Vote Riders. They provide free assistance and are very helpful! VoteRiders’ mission is to ensure that no eligible voter is prevented from casting a ballot that counts due to voter ID laws, either directly from lack of acceptable ID or indirectly because of voter confusion.